Upcoming Training: Date TBD
Upcoming Parent Training Supporting your child during distance learning and COVID-19 | Date TBD | Open to the Public
About the Upcoming Parent Training
Supporting Your Child During Distance Learning and COVID-19
Date TBD
Supporting Your Child During Distance Learning and COVID-19
Event has been postponed. Stay tuned for further notice.
Hosted on Zoom
Anyone Can Register
Let’s face it – these are unprecedented times. For many of us, we are dealing with a tidal wave of emotions and new situations that we find ourselves in every day related to the ongoing global health situation. For all parents, especially ones of children with special needs, striking the balance between their new responsibilities is no easy task. Aside from their regular jobs, parents are now expected to have a larger role in their child’s education to fill the gap that school time used to cover. Join us as we explore ways that we can balance these new additions to our schedule and learn to ‘conquer the new normal’.
Topics of discussion may include:
- Scheduling
- Teaching Strategies
- In Home Reward Systems
- Social/Emotional Support For Both You and Your Child
- and more.
There will also be an opportunity to share your experiences and receive specific answers to struggles you’ve been having.
This Parent Training is hosted by West Hills Academy
About West Hills Academy
West Hills Academy is a K-12 school that specializes in students who have an average to above average IQ but are prevented from reaching their full potential due to certain academic, social, emotional and/or physical limitations. Our learners are diagnosed with a variety of learning difficulties such as ADHD, Anxiety, OCD, Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or other related disorders.
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Contact West Hills Academy
* Due to COVID-19 restrictions, phone hours may vary.
About Gersh Parent Trainings
To assist families struggling in these uncertain times, we are opening up select parent trainings to you!
A key part of programs such as Gersh Academy, West Hills Academy, and Gersh Experience are our regular and frequent parent trainings. To prevent regression and increase the efficiency of students’ education, it is important to involve the parent to assist at home. While we provide parent trainings to all registered families, we wanted to open up a few of our trainings to the public for free!
Simply register for the upcoming training and we will contact you with details on how to join us!
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