Why is Early Intervention Particularly Important?
If you have a young child who has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, you have probably heard the term “Early Intervention” countless times by now.  Every provider you’ve interacted with has probably talked to you about the importance of getting your child into Early Intervention. You may have even started your child in some

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Is Residential Living Right for Your Child With ASD? 
For years, you’ve thought about this: what will my child do following high school, or their post-secondary or vocational program? How will they transition from complete support in schooling and at home to complete independence? In other words, “We’ve finally reached our goal of successfully completing school…but what do I do now?” There are numerous

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How Does ABA Therapy Help with Communication? 
As a parent of a child on the autism spectrum, you know how difficult it can be when it comes to communication. Sometimes, you would give anything to know what was bothering your child at that moment, or learn more about what happened at school that day, but for right now, that remains a significant

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My Child Was Just Diagnosed With Autism: What Are My Next Steps?
A new diagnosis of autism is overwhelming for any parent and can bring up an array of emotions. Sometimes it can feel like a relief after seeking appointments and evaluations for months, if not years. Sometimes it can feel like you’re receiving an avalanche of information and also like you don’t have any information at

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What Services Do Colleges Offer for Students On the Autism Spectrum?
As a parent, few transitions are more overwhelming than sending a child off to college for the first time. As a parent of a child on the autism spectrum, the feeling can be tenfold. You are sending them to an unfamiliar place with a brand new routine and expected to advocate for their own educational

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Can Teens or Young Adults on the Autism Spectrum Drive?
The short answer is yes, there are no laws against people on the autism spectrum driving. In fact, 1 in 3 adolescents with ASD without intellectual disability get licensed by 21 years old.  Is it safe? Yes, newly licensed drivers on the spectrum have a crash rate similar to their neurotypical counterparts. But they are

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Moving Beyond Awareness
As a society, we are already aware. It’s time to do more. See how Gersh is celebrating Autism Acceptance and Understanding during the month of April.

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